US FAA (Subparts Q and R)
This is a general FAA rule set, based on FARs with certain assumptions. Domestic or Flag operations are determined based on the last sector of a series if there are multiple sectors. The cumulative flying hours limitations are a combination of the most restrictive limitations, and may need adjusting to suit your circumstances. The following rules are checked:- 9 hours rest required before less than 8 hours flight time (domestic)
- 10 hours rest required before 8-9 hours flight time (domestic)
- 11 hours rest required before 9 or more hours flight time (domestic)
- 24 hours off in any 7-day period (domestic or 2-crew flag)
Rest periods are calculated based on the type of operation, and flying hours in the period. These may not be updated in every circumstance, particularly if you edit flight details out of chronological order. For the best results, flight (and duty) details should be entered and edited sequentially, so that the current duty can look back and see accurate details for recent flights.
Note that certain circumstances may not be included in the checking process, and it remains the pilot's individual responsibility to ensure their compliance with the regulations.